Retrieving a Position
This example shows how to get the current position. This example uses the INavigate80 (GetPosition) method.
private void m_cNavigate()
var SGWorld = new SGWorld80();
// get our current position
var currentPos = SGWorld.Navigate.GetPosition(AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_ABSOLUTE);
// show details of current position
@"Current position in the world:
Altitude = {0}
AltitudeType = {1}
Distance = {2}
Yaw = {3}
Pitch = {4}
Roll = {5}
X = {6}
Y = {7}
", currentPos.Altitude, currentPos.AltitudeType, currentPos.Distance, currentPos.Yaw, currentPos.Pitch, currentPos.Roll, currentPos.X, currentPos.Y));
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Unexpected error: " + ex.Message);